In this series of video tutorials I’ll be taking you through some of the most common techniques used for retouching eyes in both beauty shots and portraits.
The series is broken down into five parts and spans nearly an hour in length. We cover a wide variety of tools in the process (most available in Photoshop CS3 and onward) including:
- Frequency separation
- Healing brush and clone-stamp tool
- Curves and exposure adjustments
- Selective hue/saturation adjustments
- Selection tools and transformations
- Liquify
- Colour and sharpness matching
- Various sharpening tools
The eyelash and eyebrow brush preset used in part 5 can be downloaded here.
Part 1 – Sharpening Eyes
Part 2 – Removing Hair, Redness and Veins in Eyes
Part 3 – Brightening Eyes
Part 4 – Resizing and Repositioning Eyes
Part 5 – Adding and Enhancing Eyelashes and Eyebrows
Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates!
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